
MSG, Madison Square Garden?

I wanted to take these posts on a more relatable route. I feel like they've been long droning stories that no one cares about, unfortunately you guys will have to wait till next week for a post like that.
This week I want to talk to you about MSG, or monosodium glutimate. MSG is that chemical that is supposedly added to Chinese food to give it flavor, but can apparently cause headaches. I had always heard that it was bad for you, but I recently read that that was all lies, and that often when one sees "natural flavors" in the ingredients list it is actually MSG. Supposedly even the headache thing is a hoax. I was curious if any of you had ever heard that it was bad for you, or if you have ever suspected that you showed "symptoms" of a negative reaction to MSG. I've provided a link here to the article I read if you're curious.


  1. I've had stomachaches after eating Chinese food, don't know if that's related or not.

  2. I'm totally persuaded (perhaps falsely) that MSG is bad for me and I try never to eat it.
