
Let me give you a Hand

Most of these photos were taken a while ago, but I wanted to go for something a little more fun than my usual post. I was reflecting on how my blog has been, and I cant say that I am all that excited by it. Luckily I have the power to change that! So I'm going to start by sharing with you some photos of my arm.
At first I doodled on paper, (I even still do, but I think I call it "sketching" now) then I got sort of bored with the pencil paper bit and decided to try a new canvas--which turned out to be my arm.
I think it's really just more fun, drawing on paper is just so boring. So here are a bunch of pictures of the drawings I've done over the years. There were actually a ton more, unfortunately I neglected to take pictures of them before they were washed away. I even found a picture of a doodle I did on a friend, and one that glow under black-light! there might even be more buried deep inside my phone, or computer, or possibly even floating around the internet. If I can track 'em down I'll try to put them up.


  1. Aw you are so gunna get in trouble for this. Your mom is gunna be sooooo mad. I think I see a grounding coming on
